
My issues with people with a mental handicap pt. 1

I have problems dealing with people with a mental handicap. I don't feel safe around unpredictable people, and I don't have the patience to listen to them. They can be cute and all that, but Just for like five mins on the tv. Not next to me for half an hour.

That is something I have problems dealing with. Something I just CAN'T deal with is old men with a minor mental handicap/social issues and a hard on. Really. Disgusting.

Just the other day one horny bastard bugged me at the bus. I swear, if he'd touch me I'd hit him so hard his mental handicap would be cured. So I drew the scene. Note that the man was not as cute as my drawing. He had messy beard, drool all over (or just a bit on the corner of the mouth, same shit) and just looked really, really...not good. But all the people I draw end up cute. I don't know, maybe I'm so cute I can't ever make anything not-cute.. Yea, think I'll stick with that.

So I was going home from work, sitt'n on the bus. Chillin'. Havin' my handbag on the seat next to me so nobody would sit there. . .

I came THIS close (<-->) to cry when I got home. Not kidding. I might be damaged for life.


When you're @ work with nothin' to do...

You go crazy with webcam...

This is me today. I work at Naughty Shadows in Oslo, an alternative clothing store. My shoes are from here <3 Love 'em! I like to mix that style with some cuteness, so I've got a baby pink tank top and baby pink lace tights, just to make it a bit weirder than usual. Gotta love weird.

So with Skrillex in the back and some new catalogues from Aderlass, Black Pistol and Lip Service in my hand, this is by far the best job to ever have. No joke.
Well, I should get back to the catalogues. I might come back later though ;)


Tonights thoughts about self esteem

I once dated this guy.
He was a coach. Someone specialised in programming your brain to think positive about your life and live it to the fullest.
We often talked about self esteem. I had none and he had too much. His attempt to give me some was to explain his vision of self esteem. To him there was no such thing as low self esteem. He said it was in the word itself. Steam. Condensed water to air. So it is air. And how can air have such effect on our mind?
I really don't agree. Low self esteem do exist. Only in our minds , but it still exist.

I did some thinking on my way home from work today.
Thinking about just this, self esteem. Low self esteem.
I saw this kid. Well kid may not be the right  word, he was probably 17 or sth. But you know. Being 20 I'm so old I could be his grandma. Practically. Anyways. You could clearly see he spent a lot of time, money and effort to look good. To me he didn't pull it off very well, but I know that to the normal rest of the world he is gorgeous. And I thought to myself: "Why do you need to look good?". And then I realised, that is a fucking good question! Why do we need to look good? We're not the ones looking at us, everybody else is. So why do we need others to think of us as good looking? Now give me a good answer to that. Because I ain't got none. I challenge you!

I changed my self esteem literally over night.
I scanned my body from toe to fingertips, and wrote something positive about each part. If I couldn't find anything positive (like, what the h.. can you say about knees? How can knees be beautiful anyways?) I wrote that it was completely normal, similar to most people. (i.e. my knees are like any other knees). So now I have a long list, written by myself, of why my looks are perfect as it is. And every time I get low I look at that list. It really changed my vision of myself, and I got more positive and genuinely happy about myself. A crazy yet wonderful feeling I hope you alien stalkers feel or will be able to feel.

Good night my dearest alien stalkers. You are beautiful just the way you are.



I have ArtRage on my computer. I do. I promise. But I couldn't figure how to make it look good, so I just stucked with Paint. But tonight I decided to learn, so I took the pen in my hand and started drawing. First an eye. Then another. Then a nose, facial contour, mouth, ears and hair. He looked cute. But I wasn't happy. Well, who is ever happy with their artwork? Not that I call these drawings art, but you know. Then the colouring began. I have never ever drawn and coloured a complete drawing in ArtRage before. So this might just be a beginning of something fun.

Best of all: I didn't use more than 30-45 mins. Using my Bamboo draw pad as mouse for months payed off. Woohoo!


A hairy situation

Thursday my best friend, Sun, cut her hair yet again.
Only this time not particularly shorter. She is actually trying to save this time. And now she does it with a hairdresser so that whenever she gets the urge to change, the hairdresser can change it without cutting. AND she is now getting back her naturally beautiful brown colour. Hope she'll make it. She has been through changes in hairstyle for every year we've been friends. I don't feel like posting old photos of her without her consent, so I drew it in paint:

Ever since she got short hair she's hated it and wanted it to grow out. But she's mostly got patience like a puppy. None. Therefore it has stayed short. Cut by her own hands, preferably with a kitchen scissor. But she did experiment with bangs and shades of red and shades of purple, with black hair in between, because black is easier to maintain. But now! It is brown yet again. It'll take a few more sessions before it is natural, but I think it is nice already. And she seems happy for now too, so everything good so far.

She did show a tendency to experiment with hair early though. Her hair in 2007 was not exactly supposed to look that way:

Never shall I cut my hair short. A hairdresser cut it shoulder length a couple of years ago and I cried and I cried and I cried when I got home. Never ever EVER!


Good morning

Hello my little stalker aliens.

I'm up! Well, been up for a little while now, but I like to take it slow in the mornings. Slow mornings are the best!
This is me btw. For real. Right now. In this very second. No makeup no nothing, in front of a shitty webcam before heading out for a short run before I eat. So there you go. I am the nicest, aren't I?

I do wish you a beautiful day though. So don't waste it.


I just realised...

 ....You have not yet seen a decent picture of me. Not even on tumblr, because those are really not decent. I do have pictures of me, have no fear. But most of them are on my mac which will be available to me saturday night. So now I sit here and saving those pictures of me taken for the clothing store I work for. Good idea, right? Thinking I'll go ahead and post some pictures later tonight. Awesome. See ya then.


And I shall call him Flob

I do have a tendency to name things.

In my introduction post I expressed that I wanted this blog to be a bit different, a bit weird. A bit like me. So when I saw this picture on tumblr, I just knew it had to end up here. I mean. This is the only place in this world wide spiderweb where this picture actually belongs. At least I like to think so. Need to boost my ego in some way, you know.

And his name is Flob now. Welcome, Flob, to my space. And now also your home.


Things you probably didn't knew about death

Those terrified of dying may not want to read further.

Stages of Deterioration in the Human Body

The Moment Of Death:
1. The heart stops.
2. The skin gets tight and ashen in colour.
3. All the muscles relax.
4. The bladder and bowels empty. 
5. The body temperature begins to drop 1 1/2 degrees Fahrenheit per hour.

After 30 minutes:
6. The skin gets purple and waxy.
7. The lips, fingernails, and toenails fade to a pale colour.
8. Blood pools at the bottom of the body.
9. The hands and feet turn blue.
10. The eyes sink into the skull.

After 4 hours:
11. Rigor mortis has set in.
12. The purpling of the skin and the pooling of the blood continue.
13. Rigor continues to tighten muscles for another 24 hours or so.

After 12 hours:
14. The body is in full rigor mortis.

After 24 hours:
15. The body is now the temperature of the surrounding environment.
16. In males, the semen dies.
17. The head and neck are now a greenish-blue colour.
18. The greenish-blue colour spreads to the rest of the body.
19. There is a pervasive smell of rotting meat.

After 3 days:
20. The gas in the body tissues forms large blisters on the skin.
21. The whole body begins to bloat and swell grotesquely.
22. Fluids leak from the mouth, nose, vagina, and rectum.

After 3 weeks:
23. The skin, hair, and nails are so loose they can easily be pulled off the corpse.
24. The skin bursts open on many places on the body.
25. Decomposition will continue until the body is nothing but skeletal remains, a process that can take a month or so in hot climates, and two months or more in cold climates.

My conclusion is:
I'm glad I'm still alive..

For some reason I did not feel like illustrating this post.. Odd.



Red Angel

Yeah, haven't blogged in a few days. But what did you really expect? I have school, a boyfriend, two jobs and four families to spend time on so blogging are not my top priority nowadays. Sorry 'bout that, letting you miss all of my awesomeness and everything. But don't worry. I'll make it up to you somehow.

Today I'm making it up to you by sharing a drawing I made back in '06. I was sixteen at the time, and fell in love with this picture I found on the internet. So I drew it. Miss the old times, when I had spare time to do what I want.

(picture edited in photoshop)

I do have done things I want though. I've been attending an exhibition called sexhibition with my boyfriend, I have been drinking with my friends and been to the movies with my boyfriend, watching the norwegian movie Hodejegerne (en: Headhunters). Maybe I'll draw some more illustrations when I find the time to write about it. Should probably sleep now. Sleep. What an awful waste of time, spent on the most productive way. I mean. Without sleep. Without dreams, what are we?

You evil you. Trying to sneak those mindfucking questions in my head right before bedtime. As I would say in norwegian; Fyyyyyyy (en: shame).

Wellwell, nattinatter dere hattifnatter (en: type of 'good night').