
Welcome, mini-troll!

New years eve took a different direction than one first could hope. My very much pregnant little sister were sick and tired of the parasite living off her body, constantly kicking her in the ribs, back and bladder, not to mention other forms of pain you experience as a very pregnant person. Therefore she took some laxatives to put the birth in motion. And it seemed to be working. A quarter past 23 I got the terrifying phone call informing me that the contractions had begun and they were rushing to the hospital.

The world collapsed for a second. I mean. I've SEEN the growing, and eventually huge, belly of hers. But I never thought the parasite would be a baby. I mean. I KNEW it was a baby. I just didn't believe it. I think. I still don't. I'm not being mean saying I feel my newborn niece must be adopted. There's absolutely nothing wrong with her. It's my little sister. She can't possibly a mother. No. No way. Too young I tell you. Way too young. She's not old enough to know what coitus is. Damn you Sheldon Cooper, learning my sister about coitus.

Back to the story, shall we? Oh yes. The world collapsed for a second and I nearly cried. Nearly. Me and Sun stood in the hallway screaming for a couple of seconds and half a second later we were dressed to leave. She's auntietwo, so she too has the right to come. But then we both remembered that she has a boyfriend. A boyfriend who knew nobody but Sun in this party we were at. And he wanted to go home if he were left alone. And Sun cried a bit. She so wanted to come with me to the hospital, but none of us wanted him to be alone new years eve. That's just sad. I said I understood her and wanted her to stay, and then I ran as fast as I could to the subway, and made it.

My grandparents picked me up in Oslo and drove me to the hospital. And as I ran inside the hospital I could hear the fireworks outside. And all I could think of was whether I made it or not. I did.
I don't know if the noises outside had anything to do with it, but the baby decided to stay inside the safe and comfortable womb a while longer. And after an hour my sister were sent home with some painkillers. Painkillers. Really? "Will I notice if the real contraction comes while taking these?" "No, but you'll notice when the effect wears off." Comforting.

My mother drove me back to the party where people were so wasted we left at once. My oh so sedated boyfriend were, as always, arguing as hell, yelling how he was not drunk, because he had a glass of water in is hand. I also figured he must be a Jew. Because if you're a Jew and is going to say something important, you must repeat it. Three times in total. So he must be super-Jewish, because he repeats it 7-11 times. Every single time he opens his mouth - when he's drunk. Or "slightly sedated" as he argues he is.

We went to sleep, not knowing that in the middle of the night, around 5 o'clock, the real contractions had begun. My mother decided to stay at my sister's apartment, making sure everything was okay. When the contractions begun it had begun to snow, the weather was dangerous and my mother had taken sleeping pills. So driving the nearly 1hr long drive to the hospital with a screaming girl and two squeamish guys as passengers could have ended in tragedy. The best friend of my brother-in law kept on checking on my mom every 5 mins, asking if she was okay. Until she yelled "NO" back at him several times. Should you bother my mother when she's sleepy, it might just be the last thing you'll ever do. I can only imagine the scenery while laughing.

Anyways. 01.01.2012 at 08.59 my 17 year old sister became a mother for the first time. Her 19 year old boyfriend became a father for the first time, my 39 year old mother became a granny and I became an aunt. Her name is Hailie Eline. But I will call her Mïla. Welcome, my mini-troll, welcome to this world.

She definitely has her mothers mouth!

..And her father's nose.

And she has my finger <3

I made this bunny plushie for her. He is super soft and super adorable, right? First time I've ever made a plushie, so I'm quite proud!

So how was your new years eve?


  1. Hahaah bra innlegg.som de fleste innleggen dine er.
    hva sier din kjære til og bli kalt jøde da?
    Det er jo ofte synonymt med å være gjerring og grisk. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pUrsUORF4Y
    Trodde ikke det var noen som trodde på coitus... lengre den løgnen må da være noen hundre år gammel

    1. Hehehe takk :)
      Han også trodde jeg mente at han var gjerrig og grisk. Noe han og forsåvidt kan være x3 Men jeg forklarte hva jeg mente og da lo han bare ;)
      Ingen som trodde på seksuell omgang? Åj, stakkars, har du aldri gjort no sånt du da?

  2. joa men coitus... =hoppe av i svingen.i følge hva som stod på google.derved regna jeg ikke med at en søster av deg var så brø hode at hu ville falt for noe så cheesy.derav skrev jeg at jeg regna ikke med at noen trodde på det lengre etc
    Lol du beskriver din kjære såå sjarmerendes.lol Du får stakkeren til og høres ut som et virkelig catch lol
    Hva som gjør han gjerring og grisk da? if u don't mind me asking.De fleste mannfolk pleier og være rimelig raus med dama,da dere sitter på varene vi vil ha tilgang til.
    Men må innrømme jeg lo av at han ikke hadde noooe prob med å godta hva du mente.

    1. Meh, coitus brukes gjerne av pragmatikere (og da spesiellt Sheldon Cooper) som en korrekt vitenskapelig term for seksuellt samleie ;)
      Han er bare... veldig flink med penger. Dvs, veldig flink på å ikke bruke dem ;) Men det skal nå nevnes at til spesielle anledninger sparer han ikke på noe! Iallefall ikke til meg. Hver 6. i måneden får jeg gave, gjerne fler. Og julegaven jeg fikk av han... Det bare overgår det abslutt meste altså. Har ikke opplevd noen som har brukt så mye tid og penger på å gjøre meg glad, som han når han først skal det <3
      Det at jeg sitter på varene er ikke så viktig for han igrunn. Dersom jeg truer med at det ikke blir noe på han svarer han med at han godt kan vente flere år, og mener det også. Så den trusselen får jeg ikke brukt -.O

  3. hahahahaha staaaaakers luna ciara har funnet det eneste mannfolket hennes beste våpen og forhandlings taktikk ikke funker på.lol digger ham alle rede
    kult han bruker tid og penger på og finne pressang til deg da.Men nu som en mini me er comet til verden bør dere ikke invest i noen knusendes,pga duvet når din søs går lei av at den knuser alt hos henne er du og din mor next

    1. Jeg vet! MAX uflaks!
      Ja, hun får aldri ta på Lillefot. Aldri,aldri skal jeg la et troll ødelegge Lillefot igjen!


Use your mouth on me, my biting is moderate and quite enjoyable. I promise.