
How me and my bf got together

So this is a little story of how me and my boyfriend got together, for those of you who might wonder. You probably don't, but I don't care. I'm telling anyways.

I was all alone in the universe. Well, except from the Sun, my best friend. Anyway. I was almost completely alone in the universe.

All alone...

But then one day...

My boyfriends' nickname is Nemo (after the song from Nightwish), but everyone calls him "Fishy".. You know... from the movie "Finding Nemo"

It took some time for him to open up for me...

And some time for me to understand what he really was saying....


  1. Its not Finding Nemo Honey xP
    Its the song from Nightwish, but i guess u now that, so wonder u get some punishment or not for this my love <3


  2. Anonymous:

    YOU call yourself Nemo because of the song, yes, but others call you fishy because of the film! And you are my little fishy, so therefore Finding Nemo :P <3

  3. Haha, eid bildeserie.
    Jeg vil også gjøre noe sånt!!


Use your mouth on me, my biting is moderate and quite enjoyable. I promise.