You are familiar with the regret pill? Also known as the morning after pill.
You know, the pill women take after unprotected, like Sheldon would say it, coitus.
Or for us common people; sexual intercourse.
Sex. Fuck. Shag. Bang. Riding the Devil to Hell and so forth.
My best friend
Sun bought one two months ago. Remembering when she bought one several years ago she went to the desk at the pharmacy, waiting for the other customers to wonder someplace else than right up her butt and nose, but as they would never leave she had to speak her private business so they heard.
Then they left. And the woman working there told Sun that those pills were out in the store, next to the painkillers. She mumbled a few unnecessary foul words about how unnecessary the whole situation was while thinking that years ago they kept those type of pills behind the desk.
Having that story in the back of our mind, we can proceed to the REAL story of today.
(I did not experience this. It is all made out of what Sun told me earlier today and I way tell you before the story begins, that my friend can be a bit.. dramatic at times.)
Yet again she had to buy one of those regret pills. And she brought her sister this time.
(You can see Sun's other hairstyles over the years HERE.)
She wandered around in the pharmacy store, looking for the pill, and then noticed a guy. A guy working at the pharmacy. A boy her age, cute one. Or as she put it: a lovely young boy my age.
I know Sun very well, and understand that this is code for "OMG if I did not have the cutest and most wonderful boyfriend ever, I'd hit that!"
So having that in mind, and having in mind what kind of men she likes I have two options on how he may have looked like... So bare with me as this might get a bit schizophrenic when I use two different guys portraying one. Actually.. thinking about it, I'll just make an alternate story further down. You SHOULD read it! ......See it.. Whatever.
Boy one looks like Axel from Kingdom Hearts, a gothic/alternative guy, has silver grey eyes with a touch of ice blue, and a voice soft as pink.
She freaked out, not wanting him to think she was a slut having coitus with guys she don't know all the time and then feed on regret pills. She was so embarrassed she struggled with the payment, and dropped her card. My God, this should've been videotaped!!!!
So to the alternate story:
As for you who do not know who Sheldon is, I pity you.