The first troll invaded my fantasy world the spring of 94. It was hard for me to accept the fact that a troll was living amongst us, but I did manage somehow. Little did I know that this was just the beginning. The beginning of an invasion of trolls. Two in total.
The spring of 96 the second wave came, again threatening to demolish the precious foundation of our family. How many trolls could possibly fit in my mothers tummy, I wondered. Would she eventually die if she did not press all of these trolls out? What if she forgot some day, or what if it happened when she slept? She would die for sure. Evil, little trolls.
And they were, in fact, truly evil. As soon as they got past our borders they started their destructive mission lead by the youngest, most vicious troll. Destroying everything they touched. Everything I owned. My toys. My bed. My teddy bears. Even my Precious. My best friend. My Littlefoot.
"The land before time" was the first movie I ever owned, probably the first I ever saw. It meant a great deal to me. My favourite movie of all times. Still to this day. And last night I got to meet with my happy childhood once more.
My boyfriend and I have now been together for four whole months! No kidding. He has this sweet thing he does every sixth day of the month. He gives me presents! I actually forgot, to be embarrassingly honest. Till I got home to the empty apartment, finding a dino-teddy bear (which I also got for our twomonthday) holding a paper heart congratulation, sitting on top of the nicely wrapped present. This present turned out to be my Precious. In DVD form. All in norwegian! Just as in my childhood. Without the DVD part. Oh those happy VHS-days!
The very same second I opened it I called my sister troll. We're having a film night in her new apartment pretty soon.
tror jeg heller foretrekker roger rabitt
ReplyDeleteDu er teit :P
ReplyDeletehaha selvsagt er jeg det.heeeelt utenkelig at du har en fetish for dinosaurer,så vidt jeg husker ble du helt knust av godzilla og syntes den var trist.antgeli det eneste menneske i verden som syntes det.du får se de japanske i stedet,har hørt rykter om at den er helt i de filmene