
My declaration of independence

Things has happened lately.  And one of those things is that my relationship status has changed from being in a long term relationship to be alone. And I'm pretty comfortable with it.
It was a clean, nice break up and we're good friends. In fact I'm going to his place tomorrow for a Game of Thrones marathon, and later this summer I'm still invited to a boat trip with him and his family.

First thing I did after the break up was drinking with my co students (the finals are over! YAY!). And got kidnapped by one of them accompanied by his friend. Second was to redecorate my room and build me a bed. A king size bed who can turn into a neat sofa and with drawers beneath. And I did it all by myself with pink tools. That's how a lady begins her new life. And that's how a lady gets blisters in her palms. But I did it myself, even though it was recommended being two or more. Just to prove to myself that I'm a strong and independent girl woman. Not that I had forgot, I just like reminding myself once in a while.

My room is gorgeous now. Pics will happen. Better than I've ever dreamt of. One day I have the whole day off I'm just going to stay in bed with chocolate and ice cream listening to sobby heartache music and read Edgar Allan Poe, perhaps watch the movie Cleopatra, starring Elizabeth Taylor. I can't wait!

Usually when I get single I tend to reorganise my whole life. I change the way I do my make up, I change habits, routines. I change my looks, whether it's the hair or clothes or what not. I begin to exercise, do things I normally wouldn't do, test my limits and my fears. But now.. Nothing. I feel no urge to change anything. I'm planning to dye my hair red, but I've been planning that for months. I'm eating normally, I'm not fanatically trying to change anything. And that is the sad part of all this. I love these periods. It's these where I feel the strongest, when I try out new things, find new interests, new ways to look at life, new ways to look great. I just hope it comes when I have the time to sit down and take a breather. In the meantime I listen to this song:

I'm not waitin' around for a man to save me 
('Cause I'm happy where I am) 
Don't depend on a guy to validate me 
I don't need to be anyone's baby 
(Is that so hard to understand?) 
No I don't need another half to make me whole 

Make your move if you want doesn't mean I will or won't 
I'm free to make my mind up you either got it or you don't 

This is my current single status 
My declaration of independence 
There's no way I'm tradin' places 
Right now a star's in the ascendant 

I'm single 
(Right now) 
That's how I want to be 
I'm single 
(Right now) 
That's how I want to be 

Don't need to be on somebody's arm to look good 
(I like who I am) 
I'm not saying I don't want to fall in love 'cause I would 
I'm not gonna get hooked up just 'cause you say I should 
(Can't romance on demand) 
I'm gonna wait so I'm sorry if you misunderstood 

Everything in it's right time everything in it's right place 
I know I'll settle down one day 
But 'til then I like it this way it's my way 
Eh I like it this way 

Make your move if you want doesn't mean I will or won't 
I'm free to make my mind up you either got it or you don't 
'Til then I'm single 

This is my current single status 
My declaration of independence 
There's no way I'm tradin' places 
Right now a star's in the ascendant


  1. Så det er sånn du har fått merkene på bildene under ass.stigmata my ass..hrmf
    Er jo kjipt det er over da,men fint dere fortsatt er venner.Er alt for få folk som klarer og være siliviserte etter et brudd(dvs med mindre han dukker opp som en missing person da,vet jo aldri med dere som studerer utdødde språk osv.Slike ting følger som regler hånd i hånd med tunge tale og hemmlige ritualer og menske offring)
    Du trenger ikke finne frem engle kostyme ditt riktig enda,er ikke en anklage.hehehe
    Da er det jo ikke annet å gjøre enn å se frem til nye bilder

    1. Hehe ja, den i håndflaten er på grunn av skrutrekker ja :P Men den i panna er fra en slosskamp jeg hadde med et strømpestativ på jobb. Den fant ut at den skulle nikke meg i hodet da jeg skulle plugge i en stikkontakt.

      Hysj, sånt er hemmelig og skal ikke omtales i all offentlighet... Du må passe hva du sier ellers forsvinner du og en dag o.O

  2. Hadde jo vert lite taktisk selv for en fersking i gamet som deg.
    Hvem ska da komentre bloggen og alle de stilige bildene dine?
    Så vidt jeg ser rennes du ikke ned av fans ;oP
    Neh..du får nok nøye deg med å offre lisensmannen fra nrk,når han kommer på døren el futen

  3. Desverre for meg er jeg ikke så spennende og kul, men det er noe som kanskje kan læres over tid?

  4. Tjaa på meg virker du da både spennende intr morrsom og kul+sexy da(den er jo viktig å få med.lol ) Får bare være tålmodig så dukker det nok opp fans,på den annen side lover jo ikke det bra for meg hahahahah


Use your mouth on me, my biting is moderate and quite enjoyable. I promise.